Anki Assistant

Anki Assistant is a Node.js application that helps you create and update Anki decks for language learning. It allows you to input words or phrases in your native language, translates them to your target language, and adds them as cards to an Anki deck.

It uses Anthropic for fluent translations and Narakeet for audio generation.

Demo Cards


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd anki-assistant
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    npm i
  3. Set up the environment variables:

    npm run setup
  4. Open the .env file and update the following environment variables:

    NATIVE_LANGUAGE=your_native_language # The language you speak
    TARGET_LANGUAGE=your_target_language # The language you want to learn
    NATIVE_LANGUAGE_VOICE=your_native_language_voice # The voice to use for the native language audio
    TARGET_LANGUAGE_VOICE=your_target_language_voice # The voice to use for the target language audio

    Replace the placeholder values with your actual API keys and preferences.

    You will need API keys for both Anthropic and Narakeet.


  1. Run the application:

    npm start
  2. Follow the prompts in the console:

  3. The application will create an Anki deck file (.apkg) in the project directory.

  4. Import the generated .apkg file into Anki to see your new cards.

For more information and the source code, visit the GitHub repository.